Fast Retrieval of XCO2 Over East Asia Based on Orbiting Carbon Observatory Data

Fast Retrieval of XCO2 Over East Asia Based on Orbiting Carbon Observatory Data

Accurate and Efficient XCO2 Retrieval from Satellite Spectral Measurements

The accurate monitoring of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels is crucial for understanding and mitigating the impacts of global climate change. Satellite remote sensing has emerged as a vital tool for providing comprehensive, global-scale observations of this crucial greenhouse gas. However, the retrieval of column-averaged dry-air mole fractions of CO2 (XCO2) from satellite spectral data remains a significant challenge, often hampered by the computational complexity and inefficiency of traditional optimization-based algorithms.

In this article, we explore a novel approach to address these limitations by leveraging the power of machine learning. Specifically, we present the development and validation of a multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural network model that can rapidly and accurately retrieve XCO2 from spectral measurements collected by the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) satellite. This proof-of-concept study focuses on the east Asian region, but the proposed methodology holds the potential for global-scale application.

Overcoming the Limitations of Traditional Retrieval Algorithms

Mainstream XCO2 retrieval algorithms for high-spectral-resolution satellite observations rely on complex nonlinear optimization techniques, which involve iteratively adjusting estimated gas concentration profiles and other atmospheric parameters to minimize the mismatch between simulated and observed spectra. While these methods are rigorously grounded in radiative transfer theory, they suffer from inherent computational inefficiency, often requiring multiple seconds to complete a single retrieval.

As the volume and frequency of satellite observations continue to increase, this lack of scalability has become a significant obstacle to operational greenhouse gas monitoring. Recognizing the need for more efficient inversion approaches, we have explored the application of machine learning to directly map satellite spectral data to XCO2 values, circumventing the repetitive radiative transfer calculations required by traditional methods.

A Data-Driven Approach to XCO2 Retrieval

Our study introduces a multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural network model trained to rapidly retrieve XCO2 from OCO-2 satellite measurements. The input layer of the MLP-XCO2 model is designed based on the underlying measurement principles of the OCO-2 instrument and the key atmospheric parameters that influence the observed spectral signatures.

Specifically, the input features include:

  1. Spectral Data: Normalized radiance values from the weak CO2 (WCO2) and strong CO2 (SCO2) absorption bands, with additional preprocessing steps to address degraded detector pixels.
  2. Observation Geometry: The solar zenith angle and relative azimuth angle, which are crucial parameters in the radiative transfer equation.
  3. Surface Pressure: An important variable that affects the sensitivity of XCO2 retrieval, especially near the surface.
  4. Temporal Information: The corresponding year of the observation, which provides valuable context for CO2 concentration trends.

By incorporating these key inputs, the MLP-XCO2 model learns to effectively map the satellite spectral measurements to the underlying XCO2 values, without the need for repetitive radiative transfer simulations.

Enhancing Model Performance with Accurate Simulations

A crucial innovation in our approach is the use of radiative transfer simulations to generate comprehensive training data for the MLP-XCO2 model. Rather than relying solely on experimental satellite data products, we developed an accurate forward model based on the ReFRACtor software to simulate top-of-atmosphere radiance spectra under a wide range of realistic atmospheric conditions.

This simulation-based training strategy offers several advantages:

  1. Expanded Training Coverage: The simulated data allows the model to learn from a broader range of atmospheric states, including possible future scenarios, which is crucial for accurate XCO2 prediction beyond the training data time range.
  2. Elimination of Biases: By training on simulated data that captures the expected future increases in atmospheric CO2, the model can effectively eliminate the “slow bias” often observed in machine learning models relying solely on historical satellite data.
  3. Improved Generalization: The accurate forward model ensures that the simulated spectra faithfully represent the underlying physical relationships, enabling the MLP-XCO2 model to generalize more effectively to new observational conditions.

Validation and Performance Evaluation

We thoroughly evaluated the performance of the MLP-XCO2 model through various testing scenarios. The results demonstrate that the model can accurately retrieve XCO2 from OCO-2 spectral data, achieving an RMSE of less than 1.8 ppm (or approximately 0.45%) when compared to the OCO-2 satellite product.

Notably, the model also exhibits the ability to capture sudden increases in XCO2 near known industrial emission sources, highlighting its potential utility in monitoring and analyzing specific regional carbon hotspots. Furthermore, the MLP-XCO2 model’s predictions were validated against ground-based measurements from the Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON), demonstrating its capacity to effectively capture seasonal variations and annual growth trends in atmospheric CO2.

Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of the MLP-XCO2 model is its computational efficiency. While traditional optimization-based retrieval algorithms can take several seconds to complete a single inversion, our neural network model can perform the same task in less than 1 millisecond. This dramatic improvement in retrieval speed is crucial for meeting the growing demands of high-resolution, real-time greenhouse gas monitoring from future satellite missions.

Expanding the Scope and Applicability

The successful demonstration of accurate and efficient XCO2 retrieval over the east Asian region is an important first step towards a global-scale implementation of the proposed machine learning approach. By combining reliable regional MLP models, it is possible to create a “jigsaw puzzle” strategy that collectively provides comprehensive, high-precision XCO2 maps on a global scale.

To further enhance the model’s applicability, future research efforts may focus on incorporating additional contextual information, such as meteorological data or land cover characteristics, to improve the model’s generalization capabilities. Additionally, developing methods to provide reliable uncertainty estimates alongside the XCO2 retrievals would be a valuable addition to the model’s functionality.

Overall, this proof-of-concept study showcases the tremendous potential of machine learning techniques to revolutionize the way we approach satellite-based greenhouse gas monitoring. By overcoming the inherent limitations of traditional retrieval algorithms, the MLP-XCO2 model paves the way for more efficient, accurate, and scalable XCO2 mapping from existing and future high-resolution satellite missions.


In the face of the pressing challenge of global climate change, the accurate and timely monitoring of atmospheric CO2 levels is of paramount importance. This study has demonstrated a novel, data-driven approach to XCO2 retrieval that leverages the power of machine learning, addressing the key limitations of traditional optimization-based methods.

By incorporating accurate radiative transfer simulations to generate comprehensive training data and developing a highly efficient multilayer perceptron neural network model, we have achieved rapid, reliable, and scalable XCO2 retrievals from OCO-2 satellite spectral measurements. The successful validation of the model’s performance against both satellite products and ground-based observations underscores its potential to transform the way we monitor and analyze atmospheric carbon dioxide.

As the world continues to grapple with the urgency of climate action, the advancements presented in this study hold promise for more effective greenhouse gas monitoring and emissions tracking, ultimately supporting the development of evidence-based policies and mitigation strategies. The air-cooled heat exchanger industry, with its role in energy-efficient cooling systems, can benefit from these insights to better understand the broader implications of carbon emissions and contribute to a more sustainable future.

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